Friday, March 18, 2011

Lord,You are good!!!

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

Hello brothers and sisters in Christ!

This time I want to share with you a story about three students who came from a little town called Sipacapa to Tejutla. They came here to study in the Bethesda Educational Center thanks to the support of a family from the United States, The Pfisters. Their names are Bryan,Rachel and Wilmer and they are very happy with all the friends they have at school and everything they are learning in their classes. They are learning about Jesus too and how He loves them so much that He moves peoples hearts in order to help them to study.Some of these students' relatives live in Cincinnati, including their parents. They are excited for their children and are grateful with God and with the Pfister family and pray every day for their children.They encourage their sons and daughters to value and enjoy this new opportunity.
Bethesda Ministries wants to help more children that don't have the opportunity to go to school because there is not a school where they live or because they can't pay the fees for inscription, books,materials, and uniforms.
I ask you to please pray for these three special students, Brian, Rachel and Wilmer, and their families and also that God would place a desire in others' hearts to enable more children like these to achieve a quality education in a Christian environment.

If you have an interest in supporting a student at the Bethesda Educational Center, please contact me at

1 comment:

  1. Marlen,

    Thank you somuch for inviting me to see your blog. It is wonderful. I am so proud of your ministry and work at Bethesda School. I used to know Pfisters in Cincinnati. Can you email me with their contact information. They may be distantly related to me. I love you. Abuelo Guckie!
