Sunday, September 11, 2011

Jeremiah 29:11

For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Dear family and friends,
It has been a while since I have gotten the time to write but I have had a lot of experiences here in Guatemala and I have been learning a lot of interesting things I experienced cool things too like, when it rains it REALLY RAINS!, a few earthquakes and crazy weather changes and even though peple here don’t speak a different language their talk a little different than home (México), they eat different things and they dress different too but they LOVE and WORSHIP the same God.
HE is doing GREAT things here!

I only have 7 weeks more in Guatemala and I can´t explain how challenging this year has been to me. I have learned a lot about God´s love to the people of this world. HE IS ON THE MOVE!

My time here hasn´t been easy. I have had times when I felt lonely, sad and anxious but I trust in my Lord. He is my strength because it is not only in the the easy times that we need to look up and praise our God, but in the times when we feel like our faith is been tested.

Every day I pray for God guidance, I pray for family and friends back home I pray that even thought I am not there physically they will know I love them and think about them often.

I want to say thank you to all the supporters and to God for allowing me the opportunity to be here teaching in Guatemala. My time is coming to an end but God´s work is NOT over and I want to ask you to please keep praying for Pastor Cesar Gómez and his family as they continue to develop their ministry. They still have some many needs like new buildings for their school (Bethesda), and people with the desire to support children with their Education.

I don’t know what is the next step for me or the next challenge God will have for me but I am sure that he has a plan for my life and that I will go or do whatever he asks because this is what I am here for, to listen and follow him.
Please pray for God´s plan for my life and that he makes it clear to me. Thank you again and I hope all of you are doing GREAT and that God is moving in your lives too.
Blessings to all!

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